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Intramural sports are available for all fourth and fifth graders at GW. We offer these as after-school activities to enrich the students' athletic experience.

Intramural activities in our district provide opportunities for competition and recreational physical activities at the elementary level. Intramural activities are conducted within our school district and do not involve events with other school districts. No physical is needed and there is no cost for our on-site sports. (There are costs associated with off-site activities like bowling and skiing)

Intramural activities at GW can run anywhere from 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm, depending upon the activity... so please make sure to check the information for your child's selected activity carefully. Please note that events/activities occurring off-site may have different end times. Students should be picked up promptly, or they may walk or bike home with written permission (unless it's their usual way home). Participation is optional for each season (however, a 50% participation rate is a requirement to attend any district tournaments). Behavior expectations are high, and teamwork and sportsmanship are emphasized. As part of the district athletics program, we adopt the same core mission:


To positively impact the lives of others,

we will develop and support a premier athletic program

built on a tradition of integrity and excellence,

upholding high academic, social, and athletic standards


Know and do the right thing

Do it with relentless effort

Do it with compassion and care for others


  • Participation forms must be handed in for each sport prior to joining that intramural offering.
  • Students need to be picked up promptly at the end of practice. Repeated failure to do so may make the student ineligible for participation.
  • Participation in the State College Elementary Intramural Program is a privilege. Students are expected to respect the rights of others and follow the instructions/rules of the Instructors/Coaches for their safety and that of the other children.
    • If a child fails to behave properly while at an intramural activity,
      • First offense: a written notice must go home for a parent or guardian's signature.
      • Second offense: suspension from all intramural activities offered for the year.

Permission Forms:

There is a district-wide form that is standard for most activities ( except skiing/ snowboarding). This form will be emailed home periodically by the IM Coordinator classroom teachers, and/or the Principal. Extra forms are also located in the school office or can be found on their specific tab on this website.


Intramurals will inevitably be affected by either school cancellations, early dismissals, or coaching availability at some point throughout the year. Because of this, we need to ask for everyone's flexibility in this regard. If there is no school on a scheduled intramural day, then there will be no intramurals that day. Similarly, if there is an early dismissal for any reason, there will also be no intramurals that day. Every attempt will be made to notify parents of any other last-minute changes to intramural schedules. If intramurals are canceled for any other reason, it will be done by 12:00 p.m., and an announcement will be posted on our school's website as soon as possible. An email will also be sent to you from Dr. Dewitt (if available to do so) and/or your child's teacher and your child will be given an opportunity to call you and inform you of this change in plans.

If you have any questions about intramurals at Gray's Woods, please be in touch.


Matthew Petersen

GW Intramural Coordinator