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What time does school begin and end?
  • All-Day Kindergarten and Grades 1 - 5: The school day for students in all-day kindergarten and grades 1-5 begins at 8:10 a.m. and dismisses at 3:00 p.m. Children should not arrive at school before 7:55 a.m. because there is no supervision until this time.


What are the check in and sign out procedures for students?
  • Check in: Students entering the building after 7:55 a.m. should check in at the office.
  • Check out: When picking up your child(ren) for appointments during the school day, you must stop in the office and one of the secretaries will help you by asking your child to come to the office.
  • If you have made arrangements to pick your child up at dismissal, please go to the side door (near the cafeteria) of the building and sign out your child with the staff member located there at 3:00pm. If you have not made arrangements to pick up your child at dismissal, you must stop in the office to sign your child out and your child will be called to the office for pickup. Please keep in mind that the last 10 to 15 minutes of the day is a time when most teachers are summarizing the day's activities, planning for the next day and making important announcements. If possible, please do not request that your child(ren) be dismissed before the dismissal time at 3:00 p.m.
  • If someone other than the parent is taking the student, there must be a signed note from the parent releasing the student to that person.
  • All non-walking students must be signed out when going home any other way than on the bus.
  • If a student does not have a note to NOT take the bus on a given day, that student MUST take the bus home as usual.



Will child care available at the school?
  • Yes. Our before and after-school program is provided by the CEEL program. CEEL is a Before and After School Extended Learning Program with Full-Time and Part-Time options open to all elementary students!


My child forgot his/her homework or I want to drop off treats for a birthday party. What should I do with them?
  • Whenever you come to school, whether it be to drop something off or pick up your child, remember, you must stop in the office. One of the secretaries will help you by asking your child to come to the office or seeing that your materials are delivered. 


What do I do if I am visiting the school or volunteering?
  • We request that all students, parents, and visitors enter the building through the front door. All other doors in the building are locked. Parents and visitors must stop in the office first, sign in, and pick up a visitor/volunteer badge. We appreciate your cooperation and support.
  • We welcome your involvement and encourage you to volunteer in the school and become involved in school and PTO activities. If you are unable to volunteer your time during the school day, there are plenty of other ways to show your support. The Gray's Woods PTO works closely with the staff and plays a valuable role in our total school program. Your membership in support of the PTO is welcome. Without volunteers, a lot of what we do in school would not be possible.


What if my child is absent?
  • Please call the Safe-At-School Line at (814) 231-1011, ext 8150. That way we know your child will not be coming to school. In addition, due to a directive from the Department of Education, an excuse MUST be on file for each time your child is absent. If we do not receive a written excuse, the absence will be coded as unexcused. Absence is excused for student illness (specify the reason), death in the family, medical or dental appointments, religious observation and instruction, and educational trips. Excuse forms are available for your convenience, but any note with the child's name, date of absence, reason for absence and your signature is fine. Please help us by sending a written excuse as soon as your child returns to school after an absence.


What is your Educational Trip Policy?

Due to the importance of class attendance, the school district does not recommend lengthy student absences whether excused or unexcused. The district policy for educational trips that are not school sponsored is as follows:

  • Parents must request approval at least 2 weeks prior to the trip.
  • It is up to the principal to determine that the trip is educational and excusable.
  • A total of 10 days in any academic year will be allowed excusable for educational trips.
  • The appropriateness of assignments given will be determined by the teacher and the principal. Teachers may require assignments such as math, written logs, reading and/or written reports.

Any exception to this policy due to extenuating circumstances must be approved by the Superintendent. Excuses of prolonged absence will be on an individual basis. Request forms are available in the office. If you are unable to stop at the office to complete the form, please call the school (814) 235-6100 and a form will be sent home with your child.


Can my child take medicine during the school day?
  • School district policy requires that parents send a doctor's statement to school, as well as a written statement from the parent, in order for children to take prescribed medication at school. This form is available on-line or you may request a copy from the office. Take the form with you to the doctor if you think your child may be required to take medication in school-it will save you a trip back to the doctor.  All medications are required to have a form. This includes seemingly small items such as Vicks Vapor Rub and even cough drops.


What happens if my child becomes ill while at school?
  • We will always notify you if your child is injured or becomes ill. If there is an emergency, and we can't reach you, we will call the person listed on the school emergency card. It is very important, therefore, to keep emergency numbers up to date. If we cannot reach you or someone listed on the emergency card in a situation requiring immediate medical treatment, an ambulance will be called and your child will be taken to the local hospital emergency room.


How long should I keep my child at home after an illness?
  • After an illness, please keep your child at home until well enough to come back to school and participate in all school activities. Please do NOT ask us to allow your child to remain inside during the Daily Directed Physical Activity Period (DPA) as we do not have indoor supervision during DPA.


My child has a life-threatening illness. What should I do?
  • If your child has a life-threatening illness (diabetes, allergic reaction to bee stings, etc.) please notify the office by the first day of school. Please provide us with phone numbers to call in the event of an emergency.


What is the procedure for school closings?

  • Usually a decision is made at the district office by 5:30 AM to have a two-hour late start or to close schools. If a two-hour late start needs to be changed to "no school" the decision is made by approximately 7:30 AM.   You will also be notified through the district-wide rapid notification system by email and/or phone call.  PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL.


What should we do if we are moving?
  • Please notify the school office (814) 235-6100 as soon as possible.