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PTO Events Summary

Wolf Pack Challenge

Our biggest fundraising event at GWE! This event celebrates the joy in movement, emphasizes the importance of fitness and raises funds to support our school. Fundraising is not required for participation and all students are eligible for various prizes. Day-of volunteers are needed to coordinate the event.

Hoagie/Moe's/Grilled Stickies Fundraisers

These fundraisers are typically spread out throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to help with organizing with the fundraising company and with sorting/distribution.

Teacher Appreciation

This committee is focused on showing our teachers and staff our heartfelt appreciation for all they do. Activities include an appreciation day in the Fall around parent/teacher conferences and a Staff Appreciation Week in the Spring. Volunteers are needed to help plan and coordinate this event, as well as provide donations.

Penguin Patch VIP Shopping Night

Come shop for your favorite VIP and give them a gift to show them how special they are to you. This event will be held in November/December. The event will assure accessibility for all students regardless of ability to pay. Volunteers are needed to plan and coordinate this event.

Variety Show

Come show off your talent!  This winter show includes a variety of different talents - from dancing, to lip syncing, to telling jokes or playing an instrument. Volunteers are needed to help plan and coordinate this event.

Coast to Coast Fitness

This self-paced/self-reported 6 week program encourages students to stay active in those dreary weeks of Winter and provides "foot tokens" incentives and a special end of program celebration for participation.


Students get the opportunity to display their talents in Science, Literature, Art and Music at this annual Spring event. They get to display either a science or art or literature project. Typically held in Spring. Volunteers are needed to help plan and coordinate this event.

Scholastic Book Fair

This is both a fundraiser and a great way to keep our kids reading. Volunteers help with setting up books, assisting with book selection, and collecting payments during the book fair. Held during Fall conferences and another time during the Spring.

Fun Fair

This committee works together to organize games and events at our annual Fun Fair in the Spring. They also coordinate with teachers and classrooms to create silent auction baskets from each class. Volunteers are needed to plan and coordinate this event.

School Supplies

Student school supplies are ordered, distributed, and paid for by the PTO funds. (Yes, really!)


This committee helps to keep our garden looking its best.  Volunteers are needed for coordination of planting, weeding and general care of the garden throughout the year. 

Dine Out Events

This committee will work with local restaurants to coordinate a day on which the restaurants will donate a percentage of sales to the PTO.

Spirit Wear

The Spirit Wear sales offers students and their families the opportunity to purchase clothing, etc. emblazoned with our mascot and logo. We have a small inventory of shirts available for sale at certain events as well as an online store with many more designs and products that is shipped directly to you. Volunteers are needed to help assist with ordering, sorting, and selling shirts.

Visiting Author

Gray's Woods staff organize an author visit, funded by the PTO.


Volunteers will help by taking classroom photos, proofreading, creating collage pages and “brainstorming” to ensure a terrific yearbook.

Field Trips

Gray's Woods field trips are organized by Gray's Woods staff and paid for by PTO funds.